I feel the need for a more light hearted post, i don't want to frighten people away with the complex counselling homework (joke alert! i am not being patronising, Honest!)
Some people just don't like it ( its a bit touchy feely, know your inner self!), but i have to do it to help with my counselling studies, so those that do play along help me a lot!
Don't get me wrong i love light hearted fun things too! Don't run away! come back!lol!
So my light hearted post is:
After reading Ruth's blog (Me, My Life, My Garden)i felt inspired to grow something, but i don't know what? she herself is doing the Pip challenge (growing fruit from pips) but this is a bit too challenging for me!
so what should i grow? was thinking something that could be grown on a window ledge?
On this subject, I have considerable expertise at killing plants. :-( Therefore, may I just suggest that you avoid growing things that might get you in trouble. ;-)
ReplyDeleteTrust you to take it down the wrong garden path! I wouldn't dream of doing anything like that, would i? No of course not!
I heard a police station was caught growing things they shouldn't in the bed outside; I reckon some local lag planted it to get their own back. Bit early to try anything from seed straight outside; but if you don't mind buying plants B&Q and such like sell good value trays of pansies etc. Or if you really want to try from seed why not try short summer flowering bulbs instead; maybe in fill with trailers a bit later in the year or ivy now.
ReplyDeleteFrom what little bit of luck I have had over the years with plants, I would look for something like maybe a cactus -something that doesn't depend on being watered faithfully. Our church used to have a program on Palm Sunday that as you exited the service, the ushers gave a small potted plant to the children. My neighbor, knowing my ineptitude with plants would hand one to each of my three kids, pat me on the shoulder and tell me "Take 'em home, nurse 'em and kill 'em, Jen" Sad but the truth about my green thumb!
ReplyDeleteI am a cactus master! No really i am, but i need more of a challenge.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we should have a blog competition? sunflower challenge maybe? This is to Ruth and Jeni and whoever else!
I vote for herbs.. they're easy to grow and you can actually use them. I'd suggest some lavender maybe. It's lovely to dry and use in your vacuum, or bath (wrapped in cheesecloth first-- don't want to plug the drain!)
ReplyDeleteShould the suggestions be in a window box?
ReplyDeleteyes i am liking the lavender idea a lot! from seed or a little plant?
Ah a witty captain, jean-luc. but yes window box suggestions would be good!
I would suggest herbs as well, you can grow them in your kitchen window and their great for cooking.
ReplyDeleteForget-me-nots are nice window ledge flowers.
ReplyDeleteI guess to start I'd find a small lavender plant in the garden store. They're fairly easy to grow from seed, but it's instant gratification to buy one that's already growing.
ReplyDeleteBeans, they are REALLY easy and QUICK. lol. I don't know if you will get any actual beans though... Are you going to do them indoors? (there would be no pollination??)
ReplyDeleteYes i think i will stay indoors, its the UK and its very wet at the mo!(as usual).
ReplyDeleteHmm Herbs are sounding good but i like the idea of beans(they could be magic!) then again forget me nots sound lovely!
Oh dear i am rubbish at decisions!
Do a small pot of each... 3 pots sitting on your ledge are much more gratifying than one!
ReplyDeleteI like it! let the challenge begin! will have to steal(borrow) my sisters digital camera again so i can photogrpah my progress.
I like growing an avacado from the pit. You take two tooth picks and stick them in the avacado pit so it can be balanced over a glass or water with the bottom end (the fatter end) in the water) and then you watch it split in two and send out roots. It is quite interesting. You will have to keep the water filled up so the roots will be ok. Maybe a little plant food (very little). This could by hydroponic gardening on a small scale.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea from "woman on the verge" re: lavender in a vacuum cleaner...gonna try that
Yes it is indeed a good idea, do you think it would
ReplyDeletework in a bagless vacuum?
Oh avocado does sound good! hmm i am still thinking about this! I ma heading for the shops tomo, so will see what i come across first!
I like the avocado idea, I've tried growing them, but I guess I didn't know the right technique.
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Sorry about the confusion. I moderate comments. I got your first comment. I just didn't publish it yet. I'm sorry if I caused you to question your sanity.
Cheers Daniel! the avocado one does sound cool.
ReplyDeleteSanity is always in question!lol!
Yes the lavender does work in a bagless. I sprinkle some on the floor, vacuum it up and the lavender permeates the room as you vacuum. It's one of my favorite scents!
ReplyDeleteHey thanks for that! i love lavender.i have a lavender wheat pillow that goes in the microwave, then i put it on my neck and drift away to sleep. well sometimes anyway!
Much like Tomcat, I've been known to kill a plant or two (sometimes, even fish...) Anyway, I've been growing bamboo...they don't require a lot of light, or attention.
ReplyDeleteIt's really hard to kill them!! God knows if I could...they'd be dead by now! LOL
good luck...
Thanks counselor! will be posting about this later!