15 Nov 2007

Words from Wordless Wednesday

Thanks for visiting yesterday's Wordless Wednesday, I always enjoy picking one of my photo's for it and posting it on a Wednesday! (okay Tuesday night).

Most of you guessed right, that it was from one of my hikes from earlier in the year, but I only did a slide show of the photo's not a Mosaic when I did the original post. The original post is here, Hike 9: Bowland.
The photo was taken whilst I was sat on the ground leaning against the wall in question, that's why I think it looks interesting. Here are some more shots from that rather gloomy day.



  1. Claire, how do you make the collages like you do? Do you have a special program?

    You may have said this before, but I can't remember right now. Forgive me!!!

  2. this is cool, thanks for the words

  3. I also love how you collage your photos.

    And I love the shot with the house.

  4. Some quality photos there Ms Pitt. How goes things?

  5. you have the most gorgeous photos on your blog! if you took these, need to start selling them. they are just beautiful!
