11 Aug 2008

CDoodle Creations

Here is my whirl at RaShell's from Doodlage, Round Doodling contest. You simply doodle on a CD or CD template in whatever medium you choose. I was too busy to have a proper go at this and for once was a bit stumped on what to doodle, but it looks like this will be an ongoing project and I will get another chance.

Check the far cooler contributions over on the flickr page: CDoodles

In other news: The next Doodle Week has been announced!
Get your doodling arm  ready for August 25th -31st
Check out the blog for more info


  1. Top right, yummy!

  2. I like the fishies! Both are very cool :) But nips? I need a warning or something, lol.

  3. Ooooooh another Doodle Week! :)

  4. I wish I had even half the talent you do when you aren't trying. You are very good at the doodle art!

  5. Doodle week is the 25th through the 31st? I'm pretty sure my first marriage was during that time frame.
    Theme: Descent into hell doodle day. LOL

  6. I'm glad to hear it's ongoing, since I'd not had a chance to play yet!

    These are all great, of the top left design!

    But Claire, dearest, I'm beginning to suspect you have tentacle issues...

  7. I like your CDoodles, especially the octopus/alien thingies :) I'm too lazy to do this one at the mo, but I will try and do the next Doodle Week.

  8. Well, Erin Go Bragh.
    Claire Go Bra-less.

    I just couldn't get into the CD doodle challenge, but I will be a doodler for the next Doodle Week of course!

  9. Excellent CDoodles! I really like the octopuses!

  10. Those are pretty rad, I like the aquatic one. :)

  11. I think I liked it better when Olga was visiting ... at leas the boobies were covered.

  12. Very cool, Claire. The first one is my favorite!

  13. I like the octopus and you. What is that round, red hole though? It looks kind of rude. Or is it just that I've been reading your blog too long?

  14. I totally love the fish one. Wayyyy cool.
