27 May 2007

Nits Anyone?

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Working or volunteering to work with children is a great thing and i genuinely believe its one of the best things i have ever done.
Unfortunately it does involve some problems, the constant 'why' questions, little accidents and NITS! otherwise known as Head Lice.
My eagle eyed sister spotted them on one of the children and quickly informed us. This causes us a dilemma, because you can't actually say to a parent your child has nits, you have to inform them that a case of nits had been found and can you please check your child. Even if you know no other child has nits, all parents must be told this. I think the reason behind this is because Nits has a stigma attached to it. But if people where more informed they would know that nits prefer clean hair not dirty hair, which a lot of people believe.

Have you ever had nits?
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I am not perfect, i did inwardly cringe and immediately want to scratch my head. So i have checked my hair and i am clear, but tonight i will be sleeping with conditioner in my hair.

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  1. I remember the dreaded "Nit" nurse coming into school when I was a child. Fortunately I've never had them but my youngest has, probably due to political correctness gone mad. Nurses are now prevented from checking children in schools as it's classed as invasive. Resulting in infestations of headlice in schools. There's those parents that check & treat & then there's those that don't hence the never ending story!

    Claire Nits are supposed to hate Tea Tree oil/conditioner & comb regularly with the nasty, painful comb(!) Good luck

  2. Buggy beavers, huh? You're probably OK. Nits would stand out against that flaming red hair. :-)

  3. I had nits as a child, but I think half my class did! I certainly didn't worry much over it then, and we had regular 'nit nurse' checks after. I confess to feeling itchy after you mentioned it though!

    If you do get it, try combing conditioner through wet hair also, the little buggers get stuck to it ;-)

  4. claire i can't get any of the "read more" thingys to open. must be the nits!!!

    smiles, bee

  5. I was fortunate never to have them.

  6. The hair color probably would've killed 'em anyhow! ;)

    by the way...eeeew!

  7. Although we used to dread the "Nit Nurse" I'm sure nits are more prolific since schools stopped having her. Manda has great problems at the school she works you say very awkward to tell a parent that their child has nits. We bought her an electronic nit really well.
    Have a good Bank Holiday Monday. Hope your weather is better than ours.Rx

  8. What a cutie! No, haven't had the pleasure, but I've treated kids and myself a few times as one or two have brought the beggars home from school. Sweet critters, and not at all prolific...

  9. Nitty Nora doesn't visit schools any more. My head's itching like mad now! thanks.

  10. We've been SO lucky over the years - neither of the girls has ever had nits or lice. (knock on wood) I help out with the lice check at school, and I'm the same way - I start scratching as soon as I hear the word!

  11. I teach second grade in the USA. Nits pop up in my class every few years. It is really so foul!
