15 Jul 2007

Garden Update!

While i am stuck here babysitting as Widnes are kicking the s**t out of Whitehaven! Its the final of the Northern Rail Cup and as i type Widnes are winning 48-6 (Rugby League)
So i thought i would do a quick garden update.

The garden is nowhere near finished, but the pictures you will see are a vast improvement and i wish it would bloody stop raining so more could be done.

Cool Slideshows!

Rugby update! they won 54-6!


  1. is 54 to 6 good claire? is that sports honey? oh. the garden is coming along nicely. hope you have a great day red, you little twanger!

    smiles, bee

  2. I love how the garden is looking and I am quite jealous as I did absolutely nothing with mine this year at all. Bad, bad me!

  3. I love the three tiered flower pots - those are beautiful! Great job!

  4. Wow, the garden is looking AWESOME! :)

    That wasn't a win, Claire...looks like the other team had their asses handed to them on a platter!

  5. you asked if I have been to Tuscany, check my post for your answer.

  6. Hello again, Claire, you have been tagged for the new Moaning Meme over on my page! Toodlepip!

  7. Great pics! Sun here today, so just a quick blogging session before I hang a ton of clothes and resume my gardening of 3 weeks ago before the rain started...

  8. Sorry it's raining so much but the garden is coming along nicely. Have a great day. :)

  9. Claire-- when I clicked over to you today, I got a popup before I could load your page... is this a new widget?

  10. Well it looks like there's some good progress happening on the gardening front.

    I just want to make sure I'm clear on the Rugby - your team won?

  11. The baskets are lovely. Once the downpour stops you can get back to digging. Enjoy the babysitting.
